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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Get Rid of THE FEAR OF MISSING OUT Once and For All!

Get Rid of THE FEAR OF MISSING OUT Once and For All!

The fear of missing out has its origins in envy.  We do not want to admit it but we see our friends and family with their new cars, homes, fine clothes, and better jobs and we wish for the same things for ourselves.  

What we do not see is the struggle that some people are experiencing to pay for these items.  It can include taking on a second job, starting another business, or taking out another loan. 

Those of us who are not well off often decide that we are going to not miss out and attempt to get the same things that our friends have. There is nothing wrong with working and having nice things but does your pocketbook allow you to have those things without you experiencing a hardship?  

Those are the conversations that we must ask ourselves. If you are overspending because you fear that you are missing out, you have to ask yourself " who am I impressing?" and you will get your answer.

To get rid of the fear of missing out once and for all means that we have to carefully plan what we want our financial future to be.  Start saving money towards short-term goals that you want to accomplish.  If it is that new big television, start saving a little money for about four or five months and then you will be able to get it without a financial strain. 

If you want a new car carefully do an online search to see what resources are available to purchase this car without paying more money than you have to.  Also, take a lot of care and pride in the car that you already have.

If you want a new home, work on your credit if it isn't good.  Cut out all unnecessary expenses.  Factor in all of the things that you will need to get this home, like repairs that this home might need if it isn't a brand new home.  Enlist some credit repair agencies to get yourself ready so you can get your home.

Nice clothing can be had with careful planning and only buying clothes from brands whose clothing is known to be long-lasting.  Splurge once per month on affordable luxuries, so you do not feel like you are missing out. 

Pull back from social media and live and invest in your own truth.  Make your own dreams come through and you will be a more content person. Find peace within yourself so you do not feel like you are missing out.

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