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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

What 5 Household Products Or Gadgets Literally Changed Your Life

 What 5 Household Products Or Gadgets Literally Changed Your Life?

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I am a gadget lover, and I love searching online to find items that I can save to my watchlist or put on my wishlist.  Being an apartment dweller comes with some restrictions, such as, not being able to have a washing machine in my apartment being a biggie for me, because I absolutely hate laundromats.  Having limited space can be a challenge and sometimes gadgets can be very expensive. 

I try to carefully plan purchases in advance, and over the years I have acquired many gadgets to make my life easier.  I work at home, so I wanted to make that process easy and make sure that I had the right printer, paper, stamps, and whatever else I needed to make my business run smoothly.  It isn't wise to wait until you run out of things that are needed right away. 

There are products that I had a second thought about because they were a bit expensive, but then I started to think long-term about the benefits and the fact that they would save me money over time.

So here are the 3 household products that literally changed my life.

  1. I purchased a twin-tub washing machine that allowed me to wash my clothes in my apartment and it is very easy to store.
  2. My Canon Pixma MG 3620 Printer because I no longer have to go to the library or pharmacy to make copies and I can print important information and send it out immediately, and this assists me with getting more work done.
  3. Nikon Coolpix L830 Camera. I am able to get more work because of this camera and it has definitely been a gamechanger for me. I use it for YouTube and for blogging and I really love it.
  4. Apple iPad Air because I am able to take my work with me on the go and I am able to edit my videos faster.  It took me a long time to jump on the Ipad train but I am so glad that I did.
  5. My Acer 315 Chromebook because it works faster than a traditional windows laptop and does more things than I thought I wouldn't be able to do on a Chromebook.  It makes my job much easier and it is lightweight too.

If there are products that will make life easier for you; take a chance and buy them or save monthly towards the purchase if they are very expensive. 

Go to review sites to find out the quality of the products that you want to buy. 

Before you buy the product or gadget check out different sites to find out which one has the lowest prices.

Buy office supplies in bulk if you work at home.  This will save you a lot of money in the long run.


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