meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1860762106'> How to save money and look great while doing so

Monday, November 17, 2014


                            CHLORINE BLEACH THE MIRACLE CLEANER

I love to clean my whole house with chlorine bleach because it is a disinfectant and it is also cost effective.  What I usually do is put on some clothing that I don't mind getting bleach stains on and I put my radio on and just clean away.

Bleach is excellent to clean your toilet and I do this about 3 times a week and it is certainly a germ killer, so I clean the outside of the toilet and also my sink and bathtub.  This product is really good to soak your toothbrush in and then soak in clear water and you just disinfected your trusted toothbrush.

I have wood floors and it is not recommended that you use bleach to clean your wood floor but sometimes I use less than a capful in my mop water and I sanitize my floor and clean my walls and this gives my home such a wonderful and clean scent.

I like to do my own nails and tweeze or shape my eyebrows with the razor shaper and I soak my nail implements and tools in bleach for about 3 minutes 2 times per week.

My stove is white and sometimes it is very hard to keep clean but with Chlorine Bleach this chore is no longer something that I dread doing and I also bleach my counter tops and refrigerator.

Soaking my containers that contained food such as; onions, eggs, garlic and broccoli in bleach prior to washing will definitely remove the lingering food smells.

Don't forget to soak your comb and brush in bleach water with less than a capful of bleach to disinfect these items and then rinse in clear water.

If you have athletes feet; soak your feet in a bleach and water solution with a capful of bleach and this will relieve this malady. ( Always talk to your Doctor first for the best advice)

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen; I could definitely go on and on about this bleach thing but you can see why I love bleach and the fact that I can use this product so many way's and I can usually get a big bottle between $2.00 and $3.00 is really a good savings and this will last me for more than a month.

There are so many way's that we can cut back but still live a rich and rewarding life.  In the comment section; leave your tips for your uses for chlorine bleach.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I am by no means, a makeup expert but this is some of the makeup that I have tried and I really like.  I am a Vlogger on Youtube, so I get the opportunity to ask some of my friends and viewers what they think and I have learned of some makeup brands that are very quality products.  These cosmetics can be bought for little money and they are very long lasting.




See, you can use different brands of Eye shadow and make a lot of different looks.





I saw this display and I immediately fell in love with it.  This display shows how you can take your jean pieces and incorporate them with different fabrics to make it look more classy.  I love how the outfit on the left has brown pants and the gold jewelry to make this look like an outfit that you can go out to the movies or you could add some cute heels and go out for an evening out.  On some jobs this outfit could also qualify to be worn for business casual.

I have never been a fan of the Acid Wash Jeans, but I really like this Dress; I think it is fierce!

My favorite is the Down Coat and I just love the belt that was added to give the pop of color, and the streamlined fit of this Coat.

You can take some of your Jean pieces that you already own and create this same look and also add your own special touch to it.

I have seen some Acid Wash Jeans at the local thrift store and I will buy some to create different looks without burning a hole in my pocket.

Monday, November 3, 2014


I decided to talk about this subject because on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and etc.  I find that there are a lot of products being talked about and being shown.  I love to review products so I am guilty of this also, but I find that a lot of people are trying to purchase a lot of the products that are being shown or reviewed.

 We have always been enticed by products through Television Commercials but now Social Media have become another way for companies to sell products and some of us are not aware of the impact it has on our lives.

 There is nothing wrong with seeing products that you like and purchasing them, but, why are we purchasing them? I find that it is becoming an obsession with some people because they feel that if they do not have the latest Mac, Sephora, and etc.,  they are really missing out on something when the truth is some of these products are no better than some of the lower priced Cosmetics.

If you can afford these product there is nothing wrong with buying them, but, if you are taking money that you need for food, clothing and shelter , you may need to make a careful assessment whether you should perhaps pull away from Social Media to see if this will help curb your addiction and reliance on products.

Do we really need these products or are we just trying to fit in or convince ourselves that we are nothing without these things?  I am a saver by nature but I have at times purchased things that I really didn't need because I liked it on someone else. 


These items are beautifully packaged, but if you are impressed with packaging; how about we buy our own products and package them ourselves in beautiful majestic packaging and show our own creativity and perhaps even sell these products ourselves for a profit;  Just a thought.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


There are times when our children ask us for a pet and then we assess whether they really are responsible enough to care for an animal.  The first thing we usually do is go to a pet shop to look for the perfect puppy or kitten but we fail to realize that our perfect pet could be waiting for us at a very special place and that is the local Animal Shelter.
  My Daughter found her new best friend at the Animal Shelter and she is very pleased with her.  She had to pay a registration fee and the Shelter provided her with a beautiful Cat with all her shots and now she is a wonderful addition to the family.
Every year Animals are put to sleep because there are people who think that they are getting a better pet by going to the pet shop or puppy mill.  This is incorrect and you can save an animals life and provide your family with a pet that can bring lots of happiness and joy to your life.

Monday, October 13, 2014


I am always in search of a good Laundry Detergent for a good price and as you will see in these video's; you can sometimes get an off brand Detergent and it will still effectively clean your clothes.  I use all kinds of brands including some name brands but you will see the ones that I like the most.

I love all of these brands and they all work well but this Tandil is what I would call The Big Kahuna of them all.  This Laundry Detergent is very concentrated with a nice, clean smell and the price is indeed right.  You can get this Laundry Detergent at Aldi Supermarket

Sunday, October 5, 2014


As the days get shorter; it is time to start searching online or the Mall for nice, fashionable winter Coats.  I am noticing that some of the stores are advertising some coats already in their magazines.  Here are some pictures of Coats that will be in fashion this winter.


As you can see, most of these Coats have very simple styling.  
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