meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1860762106'> How to save money and look great while doing so

Saturday, December 12, 2015

How To Prevent Greed And Going Broke During The Holidays

They tell me that the Recession is over but my pockets tell me that it is far from over.  Christmas is upon us and you and i have been out shopping and it seems like we have more people on our list but less money to achieve our goal of  making the holidays merry.

You are probably like me and feel a bit sad because you cannot get your family all the things that you want.  My daughter has never put any pressure on me, to buy her really expensive gifts and i am thankful to her for this.

I don't really want much because i shop all year round for myself so it isn't a big deal if i don't get much, but, what really gets on my nerves during the holiday is people who i haven't heard from for years calling to see how i am doing and blatantly ask whether i am giving them a gift.  This really makes me angry because you should show your concern and care year round.

These are people that i would never give anything because they have a sense of entitlement and think that i should just cross my daughter and grandchild off my list and give to them.  I like to give to others but with a restricted budget, you have to pick and choose and some people you may have to give  to after the holidays.

I would suggest that you, not use your credit cards during the holidays because this is a quick way to become broke and then you will have to pay all year to try to catch up.  A great idea is to open up a Christmas Club Account at your local bank and save a little all year, so you do not have to use your credit card.

If you cannot afford to buy presents for people outside of your family, tell them that you cannot do gifts this year and most will understand.

Don't be a slave to the holidays, just enjoy it!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How To Enjoy Life And Declare Your Independence While Disabled.

Being disabled is not easy and sometimes it can be quite isolating.  For many years there wasn't many options available to the disabled and they were often left in the home to be in front of a television set most of the day.  We never think about the lifestyle that a disabled person lives until chronic disability comes knocking on our door.

This type of lifestyle is limiting because you don't have the opportunity to interact with the outside world.  So many disabled people are depressed and their families don't even notice it.  There are so many advances concerning transportation that open many doors for disabled people.  I have been out and seen so many people in my area out in wheel chairs and they are enjoying themselves right with everyone else.

I attended a Concert and saw a wonderful blind Gentleman enjoying the music and just enjoying the vibe and I was so happy for him because finally things have changed in this country that allows the differently able population to experience the joys of life without having to rely on family members to ride them to events that they would like to attend.

Living in the City is such a blessing because the modes of transportation service are getting more and more dependable.

So, how to enjoy life and declare your independence while disabled:

  • First you need to do research online to see if your town have state wide transportation that won't only take you to work but also anywhere that you would like to travel throughout your state.
  • Look online for groups specifically geared towards the disabled because sometimes they will have outings that you can go to as a group and they will provide the transportation at a small fee.
  • For disabled people who are home bound it is good to go online and talk to different people that hold the same interest and make life long friends.
  • If you are home bound; have movie night at home with some of your friends and ask them to bring the refreshments.
  • Check your local Senior Center to see if they have a trip coming up and see if they will allow you to go also.
  • Go on Ticketmaster to see if they have tickets to your favorite show with accessible seating.
  • Look online to find out about Wheelchair accessible group tours.

The more that you search online you will find out about more resources that are available to you and you will be able to expand your horizons.



Monday, December 7, 2015

Dreams and what they really mean.

                                        Dreams and what they really mean.

I learned a such a powerful lesson today.  I was talking to a very knowledgeable person today and we were talking about living your dreams and your purpose in life.  A lot of times we make plans and we are very excited when we decide to step out on faith to focus on our goals but at some point we start to go into another direction and we seem to forget all the steps that we used to create that dream and we start to get complacent and we are ready to give up.

We get bored with the progression of our projects.  One thing about dreams,  they are put into our spirits and at the time, we feel that we can accomplish everything that we set out to do. We plan but when things are not going fast enough, we tend to get discouraged and when you feel this way, you tell yourself that you cannot reach your goals.

Some times it is other people telling you that your dream doesn't make sense and this tends to give you a self defeating attitude.

I learned today that the thing that kills progression is giving up and throwing in the towel.  If you don't follow through then you will never reach the finish line, so, keep working at this goal and do not tell people your dreams because they will kill them.

In the end when you are successful, you can be proud of the fact that you persevered. God put that dream and desire in you for a reason and that reason is the fact that he felt that you could do it and you were the best one for the job.



Thursday, December 3, 2015


I have very sensitive skin and some of you know that I love to do Laundry Detergent reviews on Youtube.

I love detergents with fragrance but once in a while I experience breakouts, hives and wheezing due to trying different brands. 

There are many detergents that are formulated to be used by people who are allergic to laundry detergent.

I have tried many of them and they are good.   I am going to show you some of the detergents that are good at removing stains and also leaves you with clean smelling clothes.

All of my favorites are listed below and let me know what your favorite is.

Out of all of these detergents, this is my absolute favorite!

Monday, November 30, 2015

High Efficiency Washing Machines Are They Worth All The Hype?

                       High Efficiency Washing Machines Are They Worth All The Hype?

In my complex we just switched to HE Washing Machines after many years of dealing with an old machine that needed repairs badly.  As the manager bought the new machine in, we were so excited that we would now be able to enjoy a brand new machine that would make our clothes clean and at the time, we didn't know that it was high efficiency.

So, I decided to do my wash and I was so surprised by the quiet sound of the machine.  I thought to myself "This is a plus." but what I did not anticipate was the fact that the machine only filled up with half a bucket of water.  I automatically thought something was wrong with the machine and I had the setting on heavy duty and the sound was still so quiet.

I finished washing my clothes and I pulled out clothes that didn't smell clean at all.  I was so frustrated about this and i started to ask other people regarding this issue and they said that these kind of machines are not meant to use much water.  I was so upset about this because i have no need for a machine that will not clean my clothes effectively.

Sometimes, we yearn for products that are new and do things a different way, when there wasn't anything wrong with the old way.

I don't like these machines at all because it just defeats the purpose.  This machine sports a big tub, but what is the use of a big tub and less water?  When shopping for appliances please research online to see what your options are because you may not be getting what you are paying for.

Sometimes, you can save more money by just using a traditional washing machine and getting the job done the first time.

This is sort of a rant but the message here is to not go with the flow but do what works for you and your family even if the product isn't what's in at the moment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My Grandson on his birthday and what he has taught me about life.

                                    This is my Grandson on his birthday yesterday.

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen:  This is my Grandson enjoying his birthday with a big slice of cake.  When I found out that my daughter was pregnant with him, i was overjoyed.  At the time i was so sick and i didn't think that i had much time on this earth.

The announcement that i was going to be a Grandmother was music to my ears.  It represented hope, newness, a new beginning and a beautiful baby to hold and to nurture.  I had something to look forward to.

I was excited when my daughters stomach was growing and i knew that the time was near.  Some people asked me what my Grandchild would call me and i said Grandma or Granny.  They said " that sounds too old.  You should ask him to call you Nana or some other name"  I told them that i didn't care how old it sounds, Grandma represents a blessing to me.

I will never forget seeing Jamie Fox cry about his Granny when she passed away and i thought to myself, she must have been an amazing woman.

My Grandchild taught me to be stronger and that life doesn't always stay the same.  He taught me that if you you hold on, a change will come.  He taught me how to love unconditionally.

Remembering how it felt to see this little Man born and i was the second person to hold him after he came into the world makes me teary eyed.  He say's so many funny things and he is such a joy to have.

Yesterday, i had a conversation with someone and they were talking about their grandchildren and we both agreed that it seems like these children have always been with us.  God gave us these children who will extend our family tree for generations to come.

My Grandson is turning into a great young Man and i pray that when Grandma is gone, he will remember all the things that we have done and the happy times that the Lord allowed us to experience.

Happy Birthday little one and never forget; your Granny loves you.


Should you delay some of your holiday purchases?

                                Should you delay some of your holiday purchases?

Shopping for the holidays can be fun but it can also be a big hassle because of the big crowds.  I plan on going to the mall with my family members to get a few things but i am mostly going to just be with family during this time.  This year has been really rough.

I saw a report on the news this morning and it was discussing some of the deals that will be available for Black Friday and to be honest with you, they are not all that great.  I went last year and it was more of a big build up for nothing.

Some department stores show sales of big televisions and other electronics and there are big savings, but, what these stores don't tell you; they are in limited quantities.  I am not the kind of person who will camp out overnight just to get a deal.  You can get better deals other times of the year and if you time it right, you can save a lot of money.

If you can wait until late February, you can get winter clothing at extreme discounts because the stores start to get ready for the spring, so, if you can wait until then, you can get multiple items for deep discounts.

If you can wait until the Superbowl, you can get your dream television for a much cheaper price and you can get the biggest screen that you want.

Delay getting that Computer, Camera and other electronics till February, March or keep searching online till you see the deal that you want.

Also, I think Cyber Monday gives you more discounts and it is a safer way to shop.

Happy Holidays to you all!


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