meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1860762106'> How to save money and look great while doing so

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Are We Getting Enough Fruit During The Winter Months?

For some reason I tend not to get enough fruit and vitamin C during the winter months.  I like fruit but it is something that I do not buy always and when I go to the supermarket sometimes I forget to pick some up or I find comfort food that I gravitate towards.

My Grandson loves fruit but he isn't a big eater, so, I hate to buy a big bag of fruit and have it go bad.
The very last time I went shopping I went in the fruit and vegetable aisle and saw the packs of fruit and it only had about five apples or five oranges and you can also get a mix of each.  I think this is a good way to buy fruit but not have it just sitting around and spoil.

Many supermarkets carry these packs and they also sell some vegetables this way.  When you go to your local store, check it out and it is so much more affordable than those big bags of fruit. 

These small packets are perfect to cut up to make a fruit cup for our children or grandchildren to take to school for lunch.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Being Happy Without Money

This video gave very good information on how to save money and being thankful for the things that you have.

Friday, January 15, 2016

How to be a blessing to others with your clothing and other items that you are no longer using

How to be a blessing to others with your clothing and other items that you are no longer using,

Last week someone gave me a flyer and it was for an indoor garage sale and I was amazed because you don't see to many garage sales during the colder months so I was intrigued by the flyer and  decided to go and see what they had to offer.  I walked into the Gymnasium and  was happy to see a lot of household items like; sheets, old cameras, books, paintings, and of course clothing.    

The People who were volunteering at this event was very friendly and they had their items priced right.  What I mean by right?  You could fill up a shopping bag for $5.00.  I strategically thought about all the bags of clothes that I would go through to find clothing in plus sizes and a nice lady came up to me and she told me what bags would carry my size.  

I searched and searched and hit the jackpot of clothing heaven.  I was not sure if these items would fit me but filled those bags to capacity.  Quickly I went over to the children's section to look for little boy things and they did not have much but saw an abundance of little girl clothing in size 5 and 6.  Someone forgot to put little boys clothing on the tables but I started seriously thinking that these beautiful girl clothing could go to shelters and other places where these clothing could be a blessing to some wonderful little girls.

This experience really had me thinking that whatever couldn't fit, would go to Goodwill or another thrift store, but, then it crossed my mind about people who didn't have the money even to pay for clothes at the used stores.  This population is ignored and throughout my journey in life I have seen women who were in dire straits, who were fresh out of an abusive marriage or encountered a fire that changed their lives in a second. 

From that point, I decided that when I found some good buys that wasn't my size or for small children, I would buy it and find out where these items could be donated for people who truly need it.  My plan is to give to organizations that help people who are going through a crisis and they would not have to pay for any of these items.

There are organizations like Freecycle, who's goal is to keep useful items out of the landfills.  I have donated things through Freecycle and  think that it is an organization that is making a world of difference in the way that you can give someone items that you no longer need and it is helping people with items that they maybe could not afford to buy.

Many women who are trying to return to work need clothing items that will give them the confidence and the wardrobe to find a job, to take care of their families.  

So, if you have any excess clothing, toys, old computers and etc.  Think about giving these items to someone who could really use it.  It doesn't take a whole lot to make people happy and change their lives.  These things just clog up the landfills or given to people who will try to charge a lot for these items, when they really should be given to people who need it, for free.

Be a blessing to others because you never know; one day you may need the help yourself.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I just had to make a post concerning this Breakfast Cereal.  I purchased this brand of Cereal about three years ago and I was pleasantly surprised about the quality of this product and the taste.

This Cereal taste a lot like Cap' N Crunch Cereal but it is a little sweeter.  You can buy this Cereal for just $1.59. 

If you have a lot of Children, you could buy many boxes and stock up because you just cannot beat that price and they will love it.

Millville Brand is sold at Aldi Supermarket and I have tried a lot of their different Cereals and I am pleased with all of them.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top 6 Things I Am Thankful For.

                                             Top 6 Things I Am Thankful For

I was sitting here tonight and thinking about the things that i am thankful for.  We take some things for granted but i just want to share my 6 things and hopefully you will think of some things that you are thankful for as well and leave them in the comment section.  We are in a new year and that means new beginnings for everyone.

                                        Top 6 Things I Am Thankful For:

  1.  I am thankful to God for being faithful and showing me favor in my life.
  2. I am thankful for my family for being my rock and really standing by me.  When I think about the rough periods in my life, I can remember them always being there, ready to help and lend a helping hand.  
  3.  I am so thankful for my Doctor who is very encouraging and did all that he could do in his power to treat my illnesses in such a way, as to give me hope and never treated me like just another patient.  This man is a Godsend and when one medicine didn't work, he immediately looked for other options to extend my life.
  4. I am thankful for wisdom that I have acquired in my older age.  If I had this mindset earlier, I could have avoided some pitfalls but it is better late than never.
  5. You all are going to laugh at me but here it is:  I am thankful for the thrift store because it gave me the opportunity to live within my means but also look nice.  This is a real blessing because it gives you ideas to create your own look and fashionable style and it is also a skill that you can teach to others.  It allowed me to save money and taught me about recycling and how important it is to keep things out of the landfills. 
  6. I am thankful for freedom.  Things are not perfect in The United States Of America but changes have been made and to think back to where we have come from, I am so thankful. Please pray for peace on Earth!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Importance Of Using A Shopping List When Buying Clothing

We have spent a lot of time building that wardrobe that we have wanted for a long time, but. lately I have gone through my closet and I have found that I  am purchasing the same items over and over again.  Why is this happening?  Because I am not buying with a purpose in mind.

It is no secret, that I like to buy clothing that can match almost everything in my wardrobe but I need to start shopping with the intention of buying entire outfits and not just separates.  The only way I can accomplish this is, by shopping with a list that shows specifically, what I need to buy at that time and to list some of the items that I already have.

This will cut down on some unnecessary spending and also help me to plan my purchases better.  Sometimes we forget what we bought and whether or not we need to purchase the item in a particular color or not.  Six sweaters in red is not something that I really need and I will now shift my focus when shopping.

We use a shopping list when buying our food and it prevents us from forgetting food that we should purchase, but, also produce that we shouldn't buy because we already have it.

What I will include on my shopping list now:

  • Pants.
  • Scarfs.
  • Accessories,
  • White Shirts.
  • Blazers.
  • Solid Colors.
  • Skirts.
  • Tank tops and Shells.

Clothing that I don't need to purchase for a while:

  • Bright colors.
  • Black Pants.
  • Printed Handbags.
  • Under clothes.
  • Graphic Prints.
  • Grey Sweaters.

When you look over your list, you will be more focused when you shop and you will not make the mistake of repeating your purchases.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

How To Beat The Winter Blues

The winter is here and it is the time that the day's are shorter and you are spending more time indoors. Sometimes your mind will wander and you can find yourself in a very depressed mood.  The holidays are upon us and it can also be a source of your depression because maybe you cannot afford to get all the things that you wanted for your family.

Those of us who have lost a loved one will start to remember the good times and we will find ourselves grieving.  I find that the best ways is to light your home more during these times and also find ways to keep yourself busy so that you do not have much time to get in this state of mind.

Spending quality time with love ones will help so much during this time.  I am so happy that we are now afforded with resources such as; Skype, so we can communicate and see family members who may live in another state or country.

I surround myself with good music in my home and it seems to uplift me.  Don't allow yourself to feel alone and by yourself during the winter.  If the weather is okay outside, get out and go to the local mall and socialize and try to meet new people.

People who are my age or older are losing more and more family members and that can make you feel depressed and isolated.

If you are homebound because of disability, get online and find some interesting people to talk to and even start yourself a hobby to keep you going.

You and I are going to beat this and make this the best winter ever.


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