meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1860762106'> How to save money and look great while doing so

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Are We Sharing Too Much On Social Media?

I have been active on social media for a few years now.  I wasn't exactly sure about what I should share and what I shouldn't share on social media.  When we start on our journey on Youtube and also start Blogging, our creative juices start flowing and since we are sharing our lives sometimes, we over share.  I am guilty of this myself, but what we don't realize is that anyone with an Internet connection is privy to all our personal information.

Sometimes we forget that there are people on  social networks that can view us and we don't know who they are.  Some of these companies demand that we use our real names which further put us at risk.  There are people who like us but there are also people for some reason or another do not care for us and we have to learn to be very careful about disclosing certain things on social media.

Like most of you, I have heard a lot of horror stories and most of the time it comes from someone becoming obsessed with you or don't like something that you revealed.  We must never forget that there are some really crazy people in this world and we have to take steps to protect ourselves and our families.

Let's make a conscious effort to share but don't share too much. We deserve our privacy like anyone else.  Do not give anyone an open door into your life.

If your life is threatened do not take it lightly and alert the proper authorities and tell the people that you love, what is going on.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

QVC You Are The Leader!

I have been  watching the shopping networks for many years.  Many times I imagined myself presenting Jewelry and describing the product and getting a chance to talk to the customers interested in buying Jewelry at affordable prices.  Being a plus sized girl most of my life I quietly thought that people my size could never get a job in the TV Shopping Network arena.

Many years ago, they didn't even have any plus size models.  I would watch models showcasing the many famous clothing brands and sometimes I was afraid to order because I was not sure that the style or cut of the garment would suit my body type.

Well, QVC I have to salute you.  Recent years I have seen so many changes in QVC because you have a variety of host who are plus size.  This makes me feel very proud because now, a young lady will see these beautiful plus size women and say to herself " I can do this too".

These plus size ladies who work for QVC are very proficient at their job and it makes me more eager to order clothing from them.

QVC have plus size models who vary from size 12 on up and some even look like they are a size 20.  I can tell from the way they are wearing the item whether it would look good on me and it is such an blessing because we no longer have to stand in the background wearing the big shapeless Mumu.

Accepting yourself at any size is a great thing to do.  If you don't, nobody else will!

Friday, March 4, 2016

How To Save Money On Office Wear

                                          How To Save Money On Office Wear

Hello Ladies:  After online research, I found a wonderful website.  You all know that thrift shopping is a hobby and passion of mine and I love searching through the many racks to find beautiful clothing.

Some of us are working and don't have the time to hit our local thrift stores or maybe our town don't carry quality items.  Well, you are in luck, You can now find nice clothing for work or to wear just about anywhere and you can really save money.  The website that I am just in love with is

I searched and I found some beautiful tops and blouses for five and six dollars and the first time shipping was free.  If you order after that, the shipping is very reasonable.  Being a plus-size lady, sometimes you can be very hard to fit and makes it very easy to return items that do not fit you correctly.

This online consignment shop is the answer to us all who may be on a budget and the clothes are in great condition.  You can also send in your items to make a little money or use your credits towards new purchases.  I ordered five tops and it came to $25.00.  What a bargain!

They also have some higher-priced items if you are interested in designer items.  You can also shop for your children.  This would be really good for shopping for school clothes to mix in with new items to build your kid's wardrobe.

If you are a lady who is re-entering the workforce or changing jobs, you can create an office-friendly wardrobe that is affordable or if you are just tired of your clothes and want some new pieces, don't be afraid to try because you have nothing to lose.

Please leave a comment if you have tried this website and tell me what you think about it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Bachelor (Commentary)

Hello Ladies:

I have been watching The Bachelor for a few weeks now and I just had to comment on what I have noticed.  There have been so many ladies vying for the attention of a young man with hopes to be the one chosen to be his wife.  So many women have gone on dates with this man and they have kissed him and he has expressed his desire to be with them and have told them that he see potential in them for something more in the future.

These ladies are believing every word and have fallen for this man. They are being catty with some of the other women so they will be the lady with the so-called golden ticket to matrimony.

Most of these women are very beautiful and they put their feelings on the line.  I have watched this man talk with the ladies families and he told every one of them that he has deep feelings for their daughters when in fact, he has to only pick one woman.  Honestly, I am getting very sick of the stereotype that we have to dumb ourselves down to get a man.

The very fact that he is kissing all these women is sickening to me because it is not necessary to do this to meet and spend time with these ladies.  Some of these ladies could be harboring disease and I am sure that some are doing a little more than just kissing.  When these ladies are not picked they have to deal with the humiliation of being second best and it is not a good place to be.

There was also a discussion about the show always have a black woman who the man never picks.  We have to be realistic and know that this show is not for us and there was a show in the past called The Flavor Of Love who showcased black women trying to win the affection of Flavor Flav and although it was interesting, it was the same concept of The Bachelor.   In my opinion we should not go on the Bachelor because it is just the truth that some other races do not want to date or marry a black women and it is their choice.  We have to stop pushing ourselves on people when our men love and adore us.

Ladies, we have a lot to offer the world and we do not want our daughters to think that they have to jump through hoops just to get a man.   There is someone for everyone, and if you meet someone and they are not interested, there will always be another one who will be.

Concentrate on celebrating you and building yourself up, the right one will come along, just wait and see.  Make him respect you and he should be the one jumping through hoops to get you.

                                               *** ******SashaMoniqueTalks***********

Monday, February 22, 2016

I Will Call Her Carol: Homelessness In The Suburbs

                                     I Will Call Her Carol: Homelessness In The Suburbs

There is a lady in my area; I will call her Carol.  She is a young lady in her thirties and she is thin, athletic, tall and attractive.

 She wears her hair in a simple bun or she will tie her scarf in a beautiful manner.  She is very clean and you can tell that she likes to look nice.

Carol carries two big duffel bag everywhere she goes, why? because she is homeless, a presence in the suburbs that is becoming a norm.

 People want to deny that this is going on in the suburbs but it is.  I first saw Carol about two years ago, so she has been homeless for a while. She doesn't appear to be on drugs or anything, in fact, I have heard her speak and she is very articulate.

So, you might say, how can a young, beautiful lady become homeless and she doesn't have a mental condition or a drug or alcohol problem?   The answer is unemployment.

I can tell by Carol's demeanor that she comes from an upbringing that is upper middle class.  I forgot to also add that Carol is African American.

This beautiful lady does not ask you for change or anything so I assume that she may be in a shelter but have to leave during the daytime like most shelters.  She smells very fresh and clean and her clothes are always clean.

Something horrible has happened to this lady and only she knows her story.  What I  know is that the rents in my area are outrageous and we are definitely one paycheck away from homelessness.

  This is the reality!  Instead of the United States bailing out other countries, it is time for America to provide for her children who have fallen on hard times.

There is no excuse for anyone to be walking the streets without anywhere to lay their heads and lack of food.

Next time you see a homeless person and you turn your nose up and just assume they  have done something wrong to experience homelessness, go, take your children to a local shelter and you will see that a lot of these people have lost jobs, disabled, cannot find affordable rent, lost spouses who was the breadwinner and etc.

 It will put you in the right mindset and make you want to help instead of criticizing.

Instead of the Suburbs trying to cover up their homeless problem, they should publicize it so, The White House can take notice and do something about this.

The truth is, homelessness can happen to anyone, even you and me.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

~Be Careful Where You Buy Your Editing Software Online~

                                                            Editing Software

A year ago i purchased editing software from EBay and i got it for a very good price and also for free shipping.  When i received the software, i installed it onto my computer and i quickly saw that it was very hard to use and it didn't come with instructions.

I researched online to find out how to use it but, i noticed that my computer was slowing down and it was acting very strangely.  I did an antivirus scan and it didn't show any problems, then i used some other ad ware removing utilities  and after about four tries, it detected that i did have some malware on my computer. It was the Conficker virus.

I removed the software but i was still having a lot of issues, so, I had to re-install my Windows and i did not use the software.

Last week i thought that maybe it wasn't this software, and maybe it was something else that infected my computer.  I decided to install this software again so that i could really learn how to use it and within a day i started to have the same problems again and i had to uninstall it for good this time.

You have to be really careful about ordering software online because it could be pirated software or inlaid with malware to infect your computer and to steal your important information.  Purchase only from reputable sources, that way you can return this software if you have a problem.

A lot of these viruses are hard to remove and the best remedy is to re-install your Windows. I will be looking for more editing software this year but i will really be careful this time, where i purchase from.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Minimalism works!

I watched this video and I was quite amazed on how this young lady worked out her budget to save this much money.  I share these videos with hope that we all learn to be more mindful about our spending.  She could use that amount of money to start a business or anything that she like to do with it.

We all can do this, we just have to learn the skills and develop the mindset of saving and learning how to live on less.  It is easier than you think!
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